Thursday, July 29, 2010

Joys of Parenthood.

Today has been an emotional journey for Miss Natalie. She went out to see if she could volunteer at the Daycare center in our apartment building only to get shoot down. They told her that she would have to be 18 to volunteer. I knew her heart was crushed when she came home she left to be by herself for a while. When she came back home she decided that she was going to go back out and try the other daycare that is just up the hill from our apartment.

I truly felt for when she left. She had already been turned down and I know the nerves had to be at an all time high, but this time it was a success. She talked with the lady that runs the daycare and she told Natalie to come home and fill out the application and discuss with her parents how many hours she was allowed to volunteer. She was so excited when she called as she was walking home. I am very proud of her. It took a lot of courage to continue after being turned down.

Tomorrow we will go together to turn in her application and I will officially be letting the change from a little girl to young lady take hold. The time just flies by when you are enjoying the journey that you are on and I have loved all the moments of being a mother so far and cannot wait to experience many more.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lazy days

Well it going on almost a month that we have been in Bloomington and I have to say still loving it here. I am not loving all the down time that we are having. We have been working 3 weeks straight so we cannot really go explore which makes for long lazy days and anyone who knows me, knows that is a major problem. I am a busy bee normally. I need chaos to function. Classes, work, and life are good things and I am counting the days until classes start.

Next week is our first official off week and I am so excited it means we get to explore and really take in this beautiful city. I am also excited about going home to visit in August. All in All life is pretty good right now.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Well not to much is going on really. We are going to start a week early working alone in the office, wish us luck. I am sure we will do just fine. That means we will be on for two weeks in a row but I am not complaining, we could really use the money. Natalie is coming home on Saturday and I am real excited to see her. I am missing her. We will also have our niece for a week which will be really awesome.
I have to say we are adjusting to the move nicely and I am feeling content, which for those of you that know me know for me to be content is amazing. Life right now is pretty good.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Today was the first day of training and I am calling it a success. The housing assistant position is a very easy going position. As long as you remain a pleasant people person you will be fine and I think we can do that. Nothing else really going on this week besides training. I am hoping to finish another book before the week is out. That would make four books for the summer so far. I need to read books with fewer pages if I hope to get ten books read by the beginning of fall semester. After school starts, there is no time for leisure reading.

The sunny is shining so I am going to con Nate into going for a walk with me. I am hoping to start some crafting too soon. I will post pictures as I complete projects.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bloomington :)

We have now been in Bloomington for a week now and I have to say it feels like home. The apartment is all put together. We have been exploring the area and I just love it here. There are so many parks and forests around Bloomington there is always some place to visit. Nate and I went for our first bike ride together today and I made it almost home before I wanted to die. This is one hilly city.
The farmers market here is very nice and there is so many vendors. I cannot wait to go back next weekend. I will try to remember to take pictures next time. I start training for work on Monday and I am very excited about that. I am a little bored doing nothing all of the time. I miss a routine.

Monday, July 5, 2010


So far the move to Bloomington has been absolutely beautiful. Natalie really likes it here and I was really worried about that before we got here. There is so much to see and do within the city and I am so excited to explore everything. I noticed a small bookstore downtown on Saturday and I am hoping they will be open later this week. I love books so this might be a great find for me.

I am still on the hunt for good thrift shops and I am sure I will find some good ones here. Today we are going to walk around campus for awhile. The apartment is coming along slowly but I am very happy with how everything looks so far. If I remember I will post pictures over the next couple of days.

Tomorrow we meet with Steve and we will find out what our training schedule is. I am excited to start work and get money coming in. The more money we make the more things we can enjoy. Well I guess I should get back to working on the apartment for a bit before we go out for the day.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Moving DAY

Well today is the day,we are finally moving to Bloomington. I am nervous, excited and a little sad to be going, but let the new adventure begin.

Last night was wonderful, all of my friends came to spend some time us and that really meant the world to me. Today I foresee lots of tears but I have tissue. I have to keep reminding myself this is not goodbye. I mean for goodness sake we are only moving 3.5 hours away :) I will write more once the truck is unloaded in Bloomington.