Saturday, October 29, 2011

WooHoo Notre Dame Beat Navy

Do I went to my second official Notre Dame Football game today. We had the best seats considering we are not ticket holders. I loved the fact that we were located right by the band and we were able to look across the field at the student section and see them in full force. This was a great late afternoon date with my lovely husband. We enjoyed a the ball game and the walk back to the car.

Tomorrow brings lots of work. I took Friday and Saturday day off from making orders to enjoy sometime with my hubby. My etsy business has taken up a lot of my time and we needed just some up time with very few distractions.

As for the Etsy shoppe, I have added a few new items this week and I am going to be adding Grinch cupcake toppers tomorrow.

Well enjoy your Sunday and remember to take time out to create new memories with your family. =)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I really need to stay on top of blogging. I mean how hard is it. You write down a few lines and then your done. Well it's not that simple. Life is a busy game and I am always playing.

I am still busy with my Etsy shoppe and I am so grateful for that. Nate and I both have decided to return to school starting this Spring. I really have to thank some wonderful friends and professors for the light nudges to get my butt back in class.

We have some exciting plans for Spring Break too. We are going to Europe for the first time. Natalie is so excited. We are going to visit London, Paris and maybe somewhere in Ireland or Germany. Still not to sure which one.

Well I will be back as soon as I remember and maybe I will have enough time to write 2 pages in updates.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Holy Banana's it's been awhile.

Wow. It has been awhile since my last update. We are now mostly settled into our new home. I am still working on lots of orders... Yeah Me!!! Nate is back to work and Natalie is loving the fact that we are home.

Baby news. My baby brother welcomed his 6th child into the world yesterday morning at 6:47 am and I was allowed to be there for this joyous occasion. I cannot express in words what that meant to me. Wyatte Bentli Wheatbrook is the newest member to our family. Welcome Wyatte!!!

I thought this door was closed. I had already made the choice to walk away when I lived in Bloomington. IUB really soured me towards college. Since being home, I have been contacted by some friends and professors that I respect dearly and they all want me to finish. I know deep down in my heart that it is something I want to do one day. I am just not sure when that day will be. Will it be the spring semester or next fall. To tell you the truth I just don't know.

More updates to come soon.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Today is my Birthday

We are now back in our home town of South Bend. A lot has happened since the last time I was on here. My Grandfather passed away a week ago today so we decided to move back home earlier. Natalie is back in the full swing of things with course work.

Nate and I are still working hard on catching up orders. Not to sure yet what he will do but I know it will be something he likes.

As for my birthday, my mom, grandma and niece are taking me out to dinner at Red Lobster. Natalie is going to see Glee 3d and Nate will have some down time to himself.

Nothing to exciting. More updates to come.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Moving day is fast approaching and I could not be more excited about going home. I am so happy that we have made the decision to go home. Family, Friends and loads of memories is all waiting there for us. Woohoo. It makes packing not all that bad.

Now I am wondering if trying to blog and facebook about my etsy shoppe was a bad idea. I am running giveaways on both and yet still now new followers or fans. I guess I will keep working on new ideas and angles. Any suggestions, I am open to all.

Remember once my blog hits 25 followers I am giving away 6 cupcake toppers of the winners choice.

Pass along the word and please let me know that you have become a new follower.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Giveaways Have begun!!!

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to annouce that the giveaways have begun. I am going to give away 1 cupcake topper set of 6 for every 25 new followers I get. I am also doing this same promotion over on my facebook page

All you have to do is like my facebook page and you are entered to win.

Please leave a comment on this post once you become a new follower and you are entered to win. I will be using to pick the winner.

I will make a new post once I have reached 25 followers. Share Share Share.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Camping Trip Almost here

I cannot wait until next Tuesday. We are going to go camping with my brother and his family. I hear the place that we are going is beautiful. I want to travel some of the well hiked trails and I planning on spending a day in the lazy river tube adventure. I will be sure to share lots of pictures when we get back.

Now here comes the count down till then. I have 20 orders to complete and one of them is a 150 piece order. Sleep is over rated LOL> Well back to making orders. Enjoy your weekend.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's another new Journey

It has been just over a year since we moved to Bloomington and I vey happy to say that we are moving back home. Being here in Bloomington never really felt like the place for us. The new place appeal wore off really quick and the people here are just not as friendly and open as you would expect.

I came here to continue on the path to my degree in anthropology and that dreams was trashed the first semester here. I felt out of place and as if the professors all just went through the motions. The big campus did not have the same welcoming feeling as the branch campus that I came from had. I truly tried to connect with several professors and that lead no where.

There are positives however. I took the leap to start my esty business and it is going strong so far. I am having the time of my life working for myself and doing something I do not find to be work.

As the months have passed we realized just how much we missed home and the people there. So we decided that it is time to go home. We are now in the process of packing, which is the worst part about moving. We will be leaving Bloomington the last week of August and I could not be happier.

I am thankful that this move allowed me to act on one of my dreams and I am very pleased at the fact my daughter found the courage to go out and find a volunteer job all on her on. She has become a strong young adult over the past year. She has gained skills she will take with her forever.

With all this rambling, I have forgot to mention that I have added many new items to my shoppe. Please come and check them out. If you have any suggests on how to improve any aspect of my shoppe, I am all ears.

Have a great week.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Morning,

The house is still quiet this morning. I am the only one up and around. I am sitting catching up on my blog writing and reading, not to mention still working away on Etsy orders.

Business is still going strong and I am so excited about the future possibilities that this will offer. We are currently thinking about our move that will be coming up within the next 6 months and I am so happy. I hate the moving part but I am happy to be doing it.

We are also truck shopping and kayaks. I am going camping next week and that will be a nice and relaxing mini vacation.

On to some sad news. My grandfather will get to come home this Friday but he has stopped eating. Hospice has been called in and his window is now around 3 weeks with his current eating habits. If he begins to eat again they are giving him roughly 4 months. We love you papa.

Well I am now off to start my day and make new memories.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Added New Items

I wanted to share that I have added new items to my shoppe. I am not sure how I managed to squeeze them in but I am so glad that I did.

I am now offering high chair banners and Minnie table Toppers. Come check them out.
More new items to come over the next couple of days. If you do not see what you are looking for please send me a convo through etsy or leave me a comment here. I will try to help however I can.

Have a great crafting day and stay cool if possible.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wow it's been awhile

Well I am pleased to say that my Etsy shoppe has taken off. I am busier than I thought I would be this early and that is wonderful. I have also made the decision to move back home this winter. Yes that is right " I am coming home to the South Bend area". This will give me the chance to reconnect to family and friends. I need this type of support system and Bloomington does not offer that.

Natalie is thrilled at the fact and Nate is too. In fact he is the main reason we are coming back. He knew in my heart I wanted to come home, but I would never say anything. So he brought it up at my brother's house and between the two men in my life I was hooked on coming home.

On the crafting side. I have been creating lots of stuff. I just need the time to list them in Etsy and share them here. Maybe by the weekend.

I am counting down the days until we go camping with my brother and his family. Turkey Run here we come.

Well Off to make more orders. I will try to update soon.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I love you Papa

Tonight I got the news they have called in hospice and have sent my Papa home to spend his remaining time on this earth. He is a loving man and has always been there for me whenever I needed him. I will be going to see him this Friday and I know in my heart this is probably the last time I will see him on this earth. Oh how my heartaches at the thought that he will be leaving us soon. I feel very deeply for my grandmother who will miss him more then words can say. I really do not have the heart to write much more tonight. Maybe tomorrow will provide me a lighter heart. Good night and god Bless. Papa I love you more than words or emotions can express.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July !!**!!

I hope all my friends and family have a wonderful day. I am going to be working on orders and then we will go out for lunch. This will be two years in a row that we will spend the holiday alone. I am looking forward to this weekend when we head home to spend sometime with our families.

Enjoy the fireworks and cookouts today. What is your favorite part of the 4th of July? Oh and what new cricut cartridge have you purchased or won lately.

I just bought Boys will B Boys. I cannot wait for it to arrive.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Giveaway is going to be rescheduled.

Wow I have had record sales over the last week. So the giveaway will have to be rescheduled. So sorry. I am going to be spend my holiday weekend making orders.... WHICH ROCKS!!!!

I am so excited about my shoppe. If you have not stopped by please feel free to do so.
I am always putting new items on and I can do custom orders no problem. So what are your plans this weekend?

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Somedays I just wonder at the behavior at those around me. There are times when I can go weeks without talking to my father and then out of the blue he calls as if nothing is amiss. I wonder what it is like to live in a state of denial. I love him don't get me wrong, I just amazed at the polar opposite personalities he has from day to day.

Today has been a real busy one. For one Toy Story die cuts take for ever to cut and piece together. I am still down almost 10 orders and more keep coming in. I am very thankful for this but feel a little overwhelmed today. Thank goodness my daughter is my assistant in training and she is working so hard. Today she said mom I feel like crying. I asked why and she said I want to make these perfect like you do. I just got teary eyed and reassured her that she was doing a great time and she would get faster as time goes on.

It amazed me that she feels that I make them perfectly. Kids are full of endless wonder and I want to cherish these moments while they last. She 14 and these moments are slipping by so quickly.

Remember the July Giveaways starts this upcoming weekend be sure to stop by on July 1st and become a follower and leave a comment to qualify.

Until next time. When was the last time you felt like you were in a state of wonder?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Well I am catching up.

I am finally going to be catching up on all the orders that I received this week. My helper is home and we set up a payment schedule for her and she is so excited. She even suckered her dad out of an itunes card today.

I have joined many new blogs this week as well and some of these lovely ladies have great giveaways you should go over and check out:

Please feel free to follow. My first giveaway starts July 1st.

Two Pink Peas: Huge Blog Candy Giveaway...

Two Pink Peas: Huge Blog Candy Giveaway...: "Boy oh boy is this a giveaway or what? Go to fo..."

Friday, June 24, 2011

Guess What?

I am super happy to say that my daughter comes home tomorrow. I have missed her more than words can say. Although she has called everyday it is not the same. She told me today that she cannot wait to start helping me with my etsy shoppe. Now of course mom will pay her to help.

I have a couple major orders to work on this weekend. I will be posting pictures of the peace sign, hearts and stars cupcake toppers that I just made and I will also be making more safari stuff too. '

I am also blogging on facebook and I have became fans of my interesting and lovely ladies on there. I will post links to their pages hopefully later this weekend. Starting July 1st, I am going to do a mystery die cut giveaway at the beginning of every month. This month you have until midnight July 3rd to leave a comment and I will choose the winner sometime on July 4th. Please leave me a way to contact you.

To enter to win all you have to do is become a follower and tell my your favorite die cut cartridge or set and why. The winner will receive 6 3" die cuts and some odds and ends too. US addresses only at this time.

Talk to soon.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Well Folks, I am still a busy little bee and I am loving it. I have only had time to complete half of my craft area and I am loving the new organization so far. I can only imagine what it will be like once it is all completed. Maybe this weekend when my assistant comes home from vacation.

Goodness I really miss her. She is such a beautiful human being. She has called her mama everyday sometimes three times a day. It makes me feel missed and needed that she calls. I think she is ready to come home too. I think us girls are going to have a nice mommy and daughter day when she gets home.

I also think that we are going to have a late Father's day celebration since she was away this last Sunday. Pineapple upside down cake is in my hubby's future.

Well lets hope for a completed room and lots of orders. Have a great week and talk to you real soon.

Friday, June 17, 2011

So I start a Facebook page for My Etsy shoppe

I took some much needed advice and I started a facebook page for my Etsy shoppe. For those of you who want to go anf check it out can do so by going here.!/pages/Natebarn-Just-Because-Paper-Creations/195149467204019

I am super excited about this. I have been wanting to do this for a long time and I hope this brings in some traffic for my etsy shoppe. We had a lonely Father's day here since Natalie is still on vacation and will not be coming home until Saturday. I sure do miss her like crazy.

Just thought I would share a few teasers on my upcoming projects.

Princess Tiara Wands. I think these will come out wonderful
Cowboy and Cowgirl themed party goodies
Disney Cars Table Toppers.

I will post pictures as soon as I get these made and listed on Etsy.

Have a great week everyone.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's gonna be a Good Day

Don't you love when you wake up and feel great inside and out. I woke up humming "Your Beautiful" I am sitting here listening to my cricut machine cutting away and I am deciding what new item I am going to create today.

I have been wanting to create princess wands that little girls could carry around at parties and I came up with a great concept, so maybe that will be the winner. On the other hand I want to create a few other Olivia the Pig related items. Choices , Choices.

So what are your plans this Father's Day. I am going to enjoy the day with my hubby since our daughter is still on vacation and I think I will make breakfast and then cuddle on the couch until he has to head into work.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Working hard on orders

Well for those of you who are wondering how my esty shoppe is doing, let me just tell you it is going great. I had a great sales day yesterday and I am working hard today on orders.

Here is the link to my shoppe.

I am hoping to create new items later this week. I cannot wait until my helpers comes home from vacation. I miss her and I need the help. I hope all my crafting and blogging friends are have a wonderful week so far. Let's hope that I have time to make something new so I can share it with you.

TTFN :o)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Enjoyed the visit Home, but the orders are piling up.

I always enjoy going home. This trip was no different, we got to see more family this time which was very nice. Now while I was enjoying the time away from home and my business, the orders piled in. I am busy working away.

I have 22 to orders that I am in the middle of making and they keep coming in. I feel so blessed that my passion is turning into something wonderful. I am so proud of myself for taking the chance to succeed. I am also proud of my husband and daughter for their willingness to pitch in where needed. My new assistant is away this week on holiday with her BFF and she is so concerned that I am swamped. I am so proud of the person she is becoming.

Well these orders are not going to make themselves, so I am off for now. I will write more later.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Gunna Miss her

All I have to say is I will be missing my daughter like crazy. I cannot believe we drop her off on Thursday and I do not see her again until JUne 22nd. I know she will have a blast but the house will be quieter and lonely while she is gone on vacation.

I am very excited for her too. She is going on vacation with her BFF and they will be going to Universal which will be Natalie's first time going there. I am so jealous. They are also going to Disney and the Beach and Yeah you guessed it I am super jealous.

On the lighter side I get to go home for the weekend and visit the family and my business is doing great speaking of business I just got two more emails. I guess that is my cue to get back to work LOL

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Training my assistant

Yeah you read the title right. I am in need of an assistant which is so awesome . Who would have thought that I would need help so soon. Let's hope my daughter can handle working for mom. I mean she did get new clothes today from Vintage Vogue, so I think she is getting a good pay off.

I have at least 4 orders that need to be completed and mailed out first thing Monday morning. Wow another work filled weekend and I would not want it any other way. I am so truly blessed and I am going to cherish these days of my life.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I am truly loving life

Well I went to the craft stores and I was able to time out the buses perfectly. I scored cardstock on sale and I was even able to get some other printed paper for $.10 each. Some of them are so cute. I have to say that Jo Ann Fabrics have some of the best sales.

I have also been answering lots of emails concerning custom orders which is so lovely. I am so glad that I am finding my way and that my new business venture is taking wonderful steps towards being a success.

1 week from today I will be back in the Bend visiting and dropping Natalie off for her 3 week vacation. I am sure she is going to have a blast but I will miss her.

My loving husband spent the day with me before he went to class and he even carried all my goodies which I know were very heavy. Thank you Honey I love you.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Life without a Car

They last couple weeks have been trying when it comes to getting around. Bloomington has a great public transpo system but when you are used to getting up and going whenever you want taking the bus can be a pain. I never realized how much you take for granted like grocery shopping.

I raced down to catch the bus and had to speed shop in order to catch the return bus home. Lugging grocery from the bus stop to the apartment was an adaventure in itselfs. The pull file cart dolly lost balance and started rocking and rolling all while I am trying to pull the darn thing up hill. Poor Natalie got stuck carrying the heavy insulated bag with all the meat and cold items.

Now I am not upset any more at being carless I know this is only short term and like I have said in before I am getting much needed excerise. Yesterday we walked a total of 3 miles just to get lunch and man was it hot hot hot. I am enjoying the one on one time that walking provides. Sometimes its just me and Nate and other times its me and Natalie.

I think this will kick start the weight loss I am trying to accomplish before we move and heck you cannot beat being in the sunshine.

I know I will look back on this and remember many emotions about this time but the ones I hope I remember most are the great talks we had.

There will be no walk today bummer.. there is alawys tomorrow.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Being me..

I have finally found my true passion and it is crafting and creating. I am overwhelmed at how many people are buying my creations. I am having a blast which is something I have been missing for a while.

Happy Memorial day to all my friends and family.

I think I will start posting more pics of my creations too. So here are a couple to hold you over.

These are examples of my cupcake toppers, goodie bags and Name Banners.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Business is going well

Over the last week I have received at least one order everyday. Now this is going to make for an all work weekend but I AM LOVING IT. I am so thrilled that my hard work is starting to pay off. I really love creating party decor and die cuts that make someones special occasion extra special.

Now if I could only magically make the USPS a reliable delivery source. With business comes the lost parcel problem. I am getting ready to head to the Post Office to overnight an order that has lost its way to WA. Man was I bummed when I had to work on 55 mini die cuts last night, But that is the brakes of business. I am happier lately and that is a plus.

Small steps equal big change in the end. One step at a time. Well I hear the blow drier so it must be almost time to leave.

Have a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Beautiful Day

Well I have to say I am doing so much better than I was the other day. I know this is a one step at a time moment in my life and I have begun doing just that. I have decided to look at the positive aspects of not having a car. There is money saving and health benefits. We have been walking and taking public transportation which is free. I know by the time I buy a car this fall, I will be in better shape and I will have also connected on a different level with my husband and daughter.

It is funny what you talk about when you are out taking a walk. Those conversations are different then the ones you have everyday. Maybe its the fresh air or just the beauty of being outdoors but you just cannot help but talk about positive things.

I am still recovering from shock and learning to cope one day at a time. I am thankful that I have wonderful friends and I am truly blessed to have a little brother that takes care of me in my times of need. My husband is my rock, my best friend and soul mate. He loves me like no other person in my life has. And last but not least my daughter who completes my soul. These people are who make my world go round. Thank you

Sunday, May 22, 2011

One of those days....

It seems that being unhappy with where you are currently living impacts everything around you. I notice that I am having a hard time creating things for my etsy shop. I am not overally happy lately and it just sucks. I know Feb is right around the corner but it seems a world away right now.

On the bright sides sales are good. I am pleased with that. So what do you suggest to overcome this state of depression. I miss my family..... I am going home again in 3 weeks and that will be real nice.

Have a great husband and a wonderful daughter but I know I am not nearly the person I can be to them. That hurts to know that you are not the best you can be and have no answers on how to fix the problem. I am hoping just getting away from the apartment starting tomorrow for daily walks tomorrow will ease the loss of not having a car. Who would have thought something as simple as having a car would add to the since of depression.

Self :

You just need to enjoy what you have at the moment. Once you pull away in the Uhaul in Feb you most likely never visit Bloomington again. There are some good memories to be made while you are here. You need to open your eyes and heart to the possibility of those.

Missing your family will not ever get less no matter where you live, so enjoy the visits to the fullest. 18 hours is a long way away from them and you know that is painful. but moving to Florida is something you have to do. You know deep down that, that is where you are the most grounded and content.

Remember moments like these will pass and tomorrow the sun will shine somewhere. Enjoy the now......

I hope the person that is able to write this, is the same person that is struggling and starts to take the inner advice that is screaming.

You are all special.............

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Crafting Mama this week

Well my car has sold and that is one less worry on my plate. I have been crafting up a storm this week so far. I will reach a 100 listings tomorrow and I am sure I will probably hit 105 maybe just depends on how crafty I feel.

I made the cutest door sign tonight and I rushed to post it and that was listing 99. Tomorrow I have 2 orders to make and ship and I think, I will continue on the girl zebra theme and complete a whole party package.

Another thing new that I added was treat bags. I only have a Mickey Ears thank you set on right now but I am hoping to have Owls, Zebras and Unicorn ones done sometime before the weekend is out.

Here is to hoping I get more sales today and the rest of the weekend.

Well I am off to bed in hopes the creativity fairy visits and gives me new ideas for tomorrow.

Night All

Monday, May 16, 2011


I have to say that I am blessed to have such a great little brother. This last Friday my car died on the way up to South Bend. He drove the hour and change to pick us up and then went back on Sunday to get the car.

Now we are currently carless and probably will be that way all summer long, which really stinks. We are go go go type people and this limits what we can do. With all that said I had a great time at my brother's house and the kids are so stinkin cute.

My business is still taking baby steps and as long as it continues, I feel it will be success.
Despite a small run of not so good luck< I remain optimistic about pretty much everything.
I told my husband that I guess we are now forced to get into shape, since we will be walking all the time.

Well off to have dinner and what Dr. Who.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Glad to be off Duty

I have to say this was a long duty week. Move out is very busy but not nearly as busy as move in. It was interesting to see what things people would trash. Brand new things and perfectly good reusable things.

Natalie happened to be outside when one of the residents leaving place a bag on the table next to the dumpster with a brand new tennis racket and a canister of tennis balls so she score those and was very please. This is perfect really her and another girl here just played tennis a few days ago and Natalie had to borrow a racket to play. Now she has here own.

My neighbor gave me a really nice study table and I got a new plastic rolly cart with three drawer which will help store all my crafting stuff. Did I mention that I finish my big Dino order and I believe it turned out very lovely. I am hoping to get more orders like that in the future.

I learned many lessons and now I am totally ready for the next challenge. I got a new cartridge for my cricut machine for mother's day and I am eager to try it out. I will be enoying the 80 degree weather here all week even if that means more rain. This officially starts my crafting summer. Ready.. Set... Craft..

Well I am off to craft have a beautiful day

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

I want to start off by saying that I feel like the luckiest mom in the world. I am able to spend the whole day with my 14 year old daughter and she wanted to hang out. I feel like our bond continues to get stronger as she get older and I am so pleased by this. This is something that did not happen with me and my mom.

I love and respect my mom but often wish our bond was stronger. This Mother's Day I hope she is having a great time spending time with my grandmother. Enough wishing for things that are not meant to be.

I am greatful for the gift of my daughter and the fact I get to spend all the moments that matter with her and my loving husband. Who happens to be terrible ill today. He feels so bad that I am covering the office shift today being that it's Mother's Day.

Being a mother and a wife is an everyday job and I feel that everyday could be Mother's day. If it was not for our children or our Mother's this day would not be. So I thank my mom for making the choice to be a mother and I thank my daughter for being the reason I try to improve myself everyday.

Happy Mother's Day to all those that are mother's.

So let me tell you how my Mother's Day started. I wanted to get to Michael's Craft Store right at open because they have a great deal on their 180 page scrapbook paper packs which are 60% and that makes them around $8.50 great deal right. So Natalie and I get there right before they open and we get what we need and head to the car. Here is where the morning took an ugly turn.

Well I looked the darn keys in the car. With Nate being sick and not really knowing anyone in Bloomington, I most certainly thought I was screwed. Then this truck full of construction workers came to the rescue and got the car unlocked. What a way to start the day. I finished my craft store running and now I am working until 9 pm. I will be spending all my time today with my daugther and I think we will play Yahtzee and just hang out.

These are the moments she will remember for a lifetime. I am very blessed to be a mother.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The attack of the Dino's continues

Don't get me wrong, I am truly happy that I was able to get a big order through my shop but these dino's are driving me nuts. It's not the order so much as the local craft stores and their unwillingness to provide any type of customer service. So I had to become really creative just to finish this order. I even had to drive to Indy just to get supplies and that turned into a 4 hour ordeal.

With all that said I have learned some valuable lessons and I will be able to make better quotes and time frames when the next order comes in. Once I complete the my date with the dino's and that will be tonight, I am moving on to some other orders that came in last night and this morning.

Why is it that something you deem so simple turns out to be a monster journey. I know that there is a learning lesson beyond what I have already stated and I am sure it will come to me.

So what is everyone doing for Mother's day. Well I get to work from noon to 9pm. This is move out weekend on Campus so as a Housing Assistant on duty we get the short straw and have to work.

I hope all the Mother's out there enjoy their Mother's day and the children that made them mothers.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


It has been a long day and it looks like tomorrow is going to be just as long. I am working on a big order and of course I run out of the paper I need. I have to put together placemats and a banner yet not to mention all the remaining die cuts. The joys of being self employed.

I would not change it for nothing,but this week has been tough. My hands, elbows and feet are peeling and my hands hurt. So that really makes things move slower now. Let's hope the clinic has the answer tomorrow.

I think I might getting another big order too so these hands need to be perfect.

Well hands hurt time for bed.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Enoying Life

I have to say that life is good. Even with all the ups and downs life is good. My Etsy shop is taking off and that is so awesome. I have a lot of road to cover before I get to the 200 listing mark but I am working on it everyday.

I have 3 custom orders that I am currently working on and 2 of them will need to be completed today. Let's hope this keeps up. I have all summer to focus on this and I plan on doing so. Well I am off for now.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Great Weekend

I had a great trip home. Natalie turned 14 on Sunday and she really enjoyed her bday weekend. I learned that my baby brother and his wife will be have another baby boy. That means they will have 5 boys and 1 girl. I am so excited for them and I know this little one will be loved by all.

My business is taking off and I am loving it. I have the summer off from classes so I will be focusing on my business and lets hope that I have profitable business by Feb 2012.

For those of you with birthdays coming up, I am offering birthday packages which include a banner, cupcake toppers and a few table toppers. Let me know what theme you would like and I would be happy to give you the family discount.

Well its time to spend some down time with my hubby.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Birthday Banners everywhere

This week has been birthday banner week. I have created a very cute Owl one and I just finished a Colts one. I am having so muvh fun right now. I mean I took my last final of the semester so I am a free woman at the moment and to top it off I feel very creative.

I have a big order that still needs to be completed just waiting on supplies and I just sent out a nice size order. Things are taking off in the right direction. I could not be happier. I don't even mind the rain at the moment.

Well folks Miss Natalie will be 14 on Sunday and I am kinda sad. My baby is no longer a baby and I feel like I have only a small amount of time before she is ready to spread her wings and fly. I am not ready for that but I will be strong when the time comes.

Did I tell you that she got her first babysitting job and she loved it. I am hoping there are more to come. It teaches her responsibility and I like that. I have lots to do before we head to the Bend on Friday so I better get off here and start.


Sunday, April 24, 2011


This year Easter is so blah. I am stuck here in Bloomington and working on top of it. We sure do miss our famliy. With that being said, I hope to say that I have finished two birthday banners I think they turned out awesome.

I am going to be offering party packages soon and let's hope this is what turns my hobby into a business. I love creating things that are cute and adorable. So why not try and making a living do so.

If you would like to see what I have created here is the link to my etsy shop.

I am always open to suggestions. Well I am going to get off for now and brainstorm some more.

Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Friday

Well it has been on of those long weeks and I have no reason why. There are only teo classes left in this semester thank goodness and I am still not sure if we are able to take summer classes yet. We won't find out until th 29th of April.

I week from Sunday my baby girl turns 14. Where has the time gone? My heart breaks a little when I think about how fast she has grown up. It feels like yesterday I was holding her tiny little body and falling in love with her for the first time. Seeing her first smile and hearing her first laugh. It is amazing the love you feel for your child. I love her more than words could ever express and I will miss the moments where she believes that mom can cure all.

She had her first babysitting job and she was nervous, excited and scared. It was so sweet. She did an awesome job and the little girl just loved Natalie. I am sure she will have more jobs to come this summer. Children are the essence of life that make the world go round.

Today and everyday I am thankful I was able to be a mother.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What a nice Sunday

Spent the day with the family at Spring Mill State Park. It was so beautiful. The village had period actors and all the building were open. I will post pics sometime this week. Well I am still waiting to see if IUB is going to offer summer aid. If they dont it means I have the summer off if they do I have some fun classes.

So many changes this year and yet there are many to come. I am so anixous and excited but at the same time scared. I know this is normal and I welcome all the new feelings the next 9 months are going to bring. I must remember to enjoy the next 9 months because once we move visiting fmaily will be very limited and my heart will ache at the thought but I know I need this move more than any other move we have made.

Why in the hell am I sitting here worrying about something that is so far away. I guess it is something I must do. I think that I am struggling with some unfinished business and in a way this helps to process.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Aww The Gloom

This weekend has been so gloomy so far. I really was hoping for a weekend of sunshine. I am currently working on adding more stuff to my etsy store so be sure to stop by and check it out. Lip Balm is on the agenda as well and let's hope it turns out great the first time around. That would be super awesome.

I have the biggest case of wind/chapped lips. My lips are so swollen not to mention sore beyond belief. This is the second time this has happened in about 3 weeks. It has been super windy here and I think allergies might be a factor as well. I hope they start to heal soon I look like I got botox injections in my lips and I feel stupid. Thank goodness I am not overly vain or I would not be able to get all the running I need do today.

Well the pictures should be done up loading so it is time to get back to work.

Friday, April 15, 2011

What to do on a rainy day

I have often pondered what is the best way to spend a rainy day. There are times I think wrapping myself in a blanket and reading the day aways sounds so blissful, but today is not one of those days. I am still full of energy from being out in the lovely sunshine yesterday so that leaves me feeling restless. I have many projects that need to be completed and yet I am not in the mood to do those either. So what is a girl to do.

I am hoping that leaving the apartment today for a short while will help. More to come later.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Hubby's Bday

Today was my hubby's birthday and we had a lovely day. The weather was just awesome. We decided to take a drive and check out French Lick and well let's say it did not live up to all the hype. We just around and left within 5 minutes. All was not lost. We ended up going to Spring Mill State Park and had a wonderful afternoon. They have a pioneer village and it was lovely.

Tomorrow we are going out for lunch and strolling downtown for a bit here in Btown. Hopefully the weather will return to sunshine sometime in the weekend we would love to go to another park this weekend. Let's hope that the weather man is lying about it raining here for the next two days.

Well I am off to relax and sleep shortly after.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What another lovely day

Today was a nice day. The sun was shining and it was just lovely. I went out and about with my hubby and found some amazing deals on paper and cricut cartridges. I am very blessed to have a husband the supports my craftiness. He encourages me in everything I do.

I started making some monster die cuts and paper doll die cuts. I think they are turning out super cute. I am counting down the days until the semester is over. I have many ideas I would like to explore but I need to be focused on just that nothing else and with the US budget still up in the air for 2011 it does not look like we will be getting summer aid for classed which means I have plenty of time to focus on my Etsy business.

It is getting late and I still have to write a paper for tomorrows class thank goodness it is only a page or two pages long.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Loving this beautiful day

The breeze is gently blowing outside and the birds are chirping away. The warmth of the sun is filling the living and I cannot help but feel truly at peace. Many changes have taken place already this year and these changes are taking my small family in a new direction completely.

The excitement is almost to much to contain and the waiting is going to be nothing but pure torture. How do you make 9 months go by quickly at the same time enjoy all the moments you can with the ones you love. Is it even possible. I will soon be finding out. I started out on a path just under 3 years ago and now I am coming to realize that life is full of many paths and it is okay to travel many of them at the same time.

So the path I am going to continue down for now is being self employed. I am going to be successful before we get to Florida. I am creating new items for Etsy daily and I am getting at least 3 custom orders a week and that is awesome. I need to find the time to create the lip balm that I have been promising myself that I would. I have always been a crafty person and I have never thought of making a business out of items that I have until now. I have asked myself many times what took you so long you silly girl.

Sunny days always make feel amazing and I am going to soak in that sunshine so I can feel amazing all week. I hope life is treating you as well as its treating me.
Live in the moment.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I often wonder why life gives you lemons sometimes. I mean when you are going down a perfectly smooth path why step on the slippery slope. I know I am not making much sense right now but I just need to clear my mind.

Since the government cannot pass a budget IU has decided not to honor Summer Pell Grant Funding for summer classes which means no classes. I was looking forward to classes and the extra money would have helped a lot this summer. With that said I have become creative and I am using craigslist and getting the final steps prepared for my lip blam launching very soon in hopes of making up the extra money we need to get to the fall.

I have a wonderful brother who seems to know exactly what to say and he has even stepped up to help out with somethings this way I can get everything I need and still in remain the black. In less then a month my beautiful daughter will be 14 and we are going back home for her to celebrate thanks to my brother. I honestly thought I had to cancel that trip and party idea but he is a wonderful person and now she will get what she needs.

If I had known IU was going to pull this crap I would have postponed this last Disney trip and saved the money hine sight is 20/20. Life moves on and we will manage. I really just needed to get that off my chest.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lip Balm Today

Today is the day I am going to try my hand at making lip balm. I am so excited and I think my hubby might even help me. Which is so cool. I love it when he gets involved in my whacky ideas.

But first we must go to Michael's and the grocery store and a few more errands before we can get started and I think I might just stop at Panda Express for lunch. At least these are my plans so far. All of this before I have to be at work at 5pm.

Now I think I really need to get off this computer and start this wonderful day. The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. I really love my life.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Good TImes

There never seems to be enough family time. We went home this weekend and although we visited most of the family time went by way to quickly. On one hand it is good that time is flying by because we are super excited about moving but on the other hand family time is precious and I want those moments to last a little longer.

So you can guess that lip balm did not get made this weekend. I am really slacking on that front. Hopefully I will get that into full swing. Nothing to much is planned for this week other than work and class. I will be super glad when this semester is over. I am taking photography this summer and I am really excited. Well I suppose I should get something done before class at 2:30.

TaTa for Now

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Well things never seem to go as planned all the time. I did not get to lip balm today. I know I will get to it but I am thinking not until Sunday. I have to take Natalie to her BBF house because she is staying there over Spring Break and I am also going to see my in laws too.

Not to mention I have been working my butt off with my Etsy orders over the last couple days and i am still behind. I need to still come up with more cute items to put on and make up more of the items that I have sold.

Overall I feel like I am moving in the right direction and I think this aimless soul is coming to be content with the decisions that have been made lately. Well back to work.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lip Blam tonight Hopefully

So I am thinking that after class this afternoon, I will try my hand at lip balm. Yes folks I am going to be going into the lip balm business and I will be using all natuarl and organic ingredients to make my lip balm.

I feel so accomplished this afternoon. I have already listed more items on Etsy and I have even added some vintage items on there too. I am going to be doing whatever it takes to have a successful business.

My husband says that making stuff is my calling. It is something I could do for hours and have no complaints about it. It is a joy to create and making a little bit of money is just a bonus to me. I have a few things that I have to get finished before class so I will be back to update later tonight on the lip balm. Keep your fingers crossed.

I also wanted to note that I am so happy that I took up blogging it is a great way to clear the mind and soul on a daily bases.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Today has been a nice day. I feel great. I sold more bunnies today and I got all the ingredients that I need to make lip balm which I hope to start tomorrow. I spent a good part of the day going through some books and will be listing them on Amazon and hopefully we will be able to make some extra cash. I honestly feel great.

I started purging stuff from the house and that always feels great. I am also going to visit my brother this weekend and I am always happy to do that. I miss them and any time I can spend with them before we move will be precious.

Busy Busy Busy will be me but I know I will have a successful business if I put in the effort for it. Well enough blabbing I need to get back to work.

Monday, March 28, 2011

I feel Kinda Productive

Again I have to say that I have wonderful friends. Etsy sells are getting better and my friends have been very supportive and that means the world to me. I am hoping that the rest of my lip balm ingredients come in tomorrow. I really want to get started on that venture.

I manage to make and drop in the mail cute little bunnies for Ann and I also have made a hand full of items that I will be listing tomorrow. I will had a photo or two tomorrow when I get them taken.

So here is a sneak peek list of the new items.

Panda Bears with and without hats, turtles, firehouse pups, kitty Cats, Koala Bears, cowboy horses, and cute little penquins.

I think I am also going to make birthday party invitations to go along with my cupcake toppers and I might even try to make a banner too. Who knows I have many ideas and it seems like I will have lots of time this week to work on them.

I was able to pick my summer classes and I am taking photography and another fine arts class. I think this summer session will be great and I will be finished mid June until the last week of August when fall classes start. I am not sure what I am taking this fall but I am sure whatever I take will be geared towards having fun while I am still here.

Florida Move count down will start in August and I will keep you posted.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Aww Making Progress

So I am making progress today. I have listed 5 new listings on Etsy today and I am about to begin making more projects. I am also getting ready to start some Spring Cleaning and pre moving liquidation.

I know we have many months before we move but I hate to wait to the last minute to start packing, cleaning and liquidating items.

I scored a sofa/futon for Natalie last night. It sells for $ 150 at Target and I got it for $ 25 last night. She was super excited. Gotta love college student prices. I am looking to get all the items Nat wants for her new room before we move.

So here are the pictures that I promised.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Another boring day

Today will be another long and boring day. I have to open the office at work and then go to an updated training session for most of the afternoon. At least they are providing pizza. I managed to get some pictures taken and cropped last night but ran out of time to upload them to etsy or here.

Hopefully I will be able to do that this afternoon. Nothing else really going on this weekend. The weekends we work we have to remain at the apartment so no going out for us until Monday. Natalie is going to visit her BFF for a week next weekend, what am I going to do with a quiet house. Go crazy probably. We the clock is ticking away this morning and I still have a few things to accomplish before I head to work.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Thank Goodness its Friday

Well another week has almost come and gone and that means I am one week closer to moving to Florida. I am so ready. These gloomy days are so awful and bring down my mood which is generally happy.

Things to do today:

1. Go to work from 1 to 5
2. Take Pictures of new items for Etsy
3. Go back to work at 6
4. List items on Etsy

and the times in between play on Facebook and come up with new ideas for Etsy.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will be sure to share the pictures once I have them tken and loaded to my computer.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Just another Day

Well I got another custom order from my Etsy shop today. That would be two in less then a week. I am pretty happy about that. I will be making 35 monkey's this week. I am also going to be listing some cute circus cupcake toppers and other die cuts that could be easily into cupcake toppers. My friend Ann reminded my that I should think about a Facebook page for my Etsy shop. I think I will be looking into that this weekend.

The gloomy weather is making it hard to get motivated to get many of my projects started. I would really just love a couple sunny days in a row. I order the items I needed to make my new line of products. Well it is going to organic lipbalm made in a variety of flavors using only organic or all natural ingredients. After I get the hang of lipbalm I am going to be making soap and body lotion. I think that to be successful you have to get trying anything that pops in your mind. I have a goal to reach before we move and I believe I can achieve that goal.

I know that it is going to be a lot of work and dedication and I am ready to be successful, so watch out for my new items coming to my Etsy store soon. I will be a link to my shop in the blog in the upcoming days. I better get to bed I am going to be listing all day tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Getting Organized

Well it is officially time to get everything organized. Since we will be moving in a year I need to start the dreaded weeding through the boxes and thinking about what I am keeping and what I am selling. You would think that since I just moved in here last July I would not have to do this again but there are a lot of things that I never did unpack and now I can start to weed out 80% of our winter clothes and coats. Only keep the nice stuff and a few items to make it through this next winter.

I also need to get my new lip balm business started and get more paper products listed on Etsy. I would love to have my business making roughly $150 -200 a month before we move. This would mean I could work less hours to start off with. Only time will tell and hopefully word of month and having my friends send people my way might help the cause.

I feel as if I have so much to say right now and I know that I have only a few minutes to blog at the moment. It's funny how some days you are more chatty than others. This just means that I might be blogging twice today. It's almost time to head to class so TTFN

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Loved Spring Break

Well it is back to the grind of things now that Spring Break is over, but we had a lovely time. We enjoyed the parks to the fullest even though it was considered to be one of the busiest times to go and we also went to look at a couple apartments.
We found the one that we think is a perfect fit. The only bummer was the kitchen was all white and boring but other than that it had everything we were looking for. I mean spanish tile roofing, high ceilings, 2 master bedrooms with baths so all in all a great place.
Now the other apartments we looked at the newer one fell short on the outer appearance to me but the inside from the photos we seen had everything else.
It is going to be a long wait until we move next year since we are all so ready. It felt good to go apartment hunting and Natalie had a blast looking too.

Now let's talk about Disney. Well the Magic Kingdom now has a dance party area located close to space mountain and miss Natalie spent 5 nights dancing away she just loved Stitches Club 626. It rocked and we are going to be making a video of her at the dance party. Nate and I spent a lot of couple time walking around and talking, riding the rides that the wait times were reasonable. We really enjoyed the warm weather and sunshine. Its kinda sad to think that in two days it will be back to 40 here in Bloomington and the sun will once again go into hiding.

I have major business plans and I need to get some research done so I am off for now. As Tigger would say "Ta Ta for Now"

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sleep where are you?

I have to catch a shuttle for the airport at 10:40am and not to mention the fact that I have to turn in paperwork at 8AM and here I am sitting here blogging. I think it is the excitement of going on vacation not to mention the fact that I am flying for the first time.

So I figure I should sit here and blog and hopefully my mind will slowly calm down enough to sleep. Its funny its not just me it is all of us. Everyone is still up and I also think that time change has something to do with it.

I received a request for a custom order on Etsy today and I made the cutest black and white moo cows and got them in the mail already. I think I have gotten a custom order the last two times the day before we leave on vacation. I think I should plan a vacation all the time and maybe I will keep getting those orders.

I am really hoping I can get my business to make at least 200 a month by the time we move next June. I have plenty of time and I know I am creative enough. Well I am going to try to go to sleep again. Wish me luck. I will be sure to blog sometime this week to let everyone know how I like flying.

Be safe and enjoy your week ahead.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The longest Weekend ever

This weekend is dragging on. I know it is because we leave out on Monday for Disney but I mean it is only 11 pm on Saturday night and we do not catch the shuttle to the airport until 10:40am on Monday. I am packed and ready to go. It is quite here so work is very boring and normal I will be jumping for joy but since tme is slipping by so slowly I would rather be busy.

I am still kinda of nervous for flying for the first time. I will be posting form the plane it has wifi and that totally rock.

I think I will goof off on the computer for a while and then I will head to bed. Remeber to Spring forward as daylight savings happens tonight at 2 am.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Got my Hair trimmed

I went to Great Clips to get my hair trimmed and I have to say that they rock. I was so disappointed the last time I got my haircut at Jcpenney and the stylist today fixed what they last person screwed up and now I am one happy camper.

I am so ready for our upcoming trip. The days are kinda dragging on and I know its because we are all so excited. I am also going to be ordering some stuff from Avon from my friend Ann and I am so excited about that too.

Life right now is pretty darn good. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lazy Days

I love lazy days. I am really doing nothing to much today. I have class at 2:30 and then work at 5:00 but neither is all that taxing. I mean I work in the same building that I live in so that rocks and I really love ASL.

I will be in florida in six days. I am so excited. I do have to say that I am a little nervous to fly for the first time. I think it will be cool but a little scary. But getting to Florida in just over 2 hours instead of 14 hours. I need to finish packing but all in all I am so excited.

I have been making cute little die cuts and I am so behind on getting pictures posted and I really should get them on here. Maybe tonight.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I really slept in.

I really slept in today. It almost feels like those days as a teenage when you could sleep most of the morning away. My daughter is the one that said mom you are really sleeping in today LOL. Normally its the other way around.

I finished my final exam paper for my 8 week course yesterday and now we are in the waiting game for the final grade for the course. I am thinking it should be an A hopefully, the class was pretty easy. I am preparing myself for the long year a head and the loaded semesters. Nate tells me that I will be very proud of myself when I am done. I think I will be grateful that its over and really will not appreciate it until later that summer once we have moved.

Speaking of moving we have narrowed down the apartment search to 4 apartments and are planning a small weekend trip this summer to check them out. They all are located within 5 miles of Disney and they are really nice.

So what are my plans today, the usual mom stuff.. grocery shopping, cleaning the house and cooking. Nothing too excited. Oh I also plan on taking some pictures of the new stuff that I plan on listing in my Etsy store. They are so cute.

Monday, March 7, 2011

A pain in the Neck

It has been almost 3 weeks since I kinked my neck the first and I messed it up again this past weekend horse-playing with the kids. For some reason it is taking longer to heal this time and I am really over it. Today is not nearly as bad as Saturday was but this is affecting my sleep and that is no good since I have a paper due today by midnight. I am going to put a themra wrap on and hope that helps.

The pot roast turned out amazing and like usual Natalie wanted to eat all the leftovers. Silly girl what I won't gift to have her metabolism. To be able to eat like a horse and still have a killer figure that would rock. I think she is going through another growth spurt and I know this means she will be even taller than she is now and I already have to pull her down to my eye level. That is a real bummer. I think she might be 5'9 by the time she stops growing.

Well that paper is not going to write itself, although I wish it would. TTFN

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mmmmm.. Pot Roast

Sitting here waiting for the pot roast to finish cooking and the house smells wonderful. It has been a very lazy day. I am enjoying the quiet before work starts tomorrow. I will be packing and cleaning all this week to prepare for leaving for Disney on March 14th. Natalie watching movies and Nate is watching Nascar. Family all together doing what everyone enjoys and that is very blissful.

So let's talk more about the upcoming year. I am very anxious about the next year and couple months. There is a lot of classes that I have to fit in and it is going to be very hard. I know that I will not be doing much crafting because of this new change to our plans. I am not looking forward to moving again. I hate packing and unpacking but I am super excited about moving to the Sunshine state.

I know that my mom hates the idea and I am really not on the best terms with her but I hope she does not make Natalie feel bad about moving because this mama will not have that. I am know that my baby brother is excited but sad that we are moving further away. But we all agree its what is best for us.

mmmm. That pot roast is really smelling good now, I cant wait to eat.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Good Visit

Well my baby brother and his wife are expecting baby number six. I am very happy for them at least one of us are fertile LOL. We also told some family members that we will be moving to Florida next June. I know its about time. I will be graduating next May and leaving after my last classes in June. Although I will miss my family and friends more than I currently do I know Florida is where we are suppose to be. Natalie is very excited about going and she is even starting to tell some of her friends about it. I think this might be the move that helps plant my feet firmly on the ground. Well thats all folks off to bed I go.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

another weekend in the Bend

Getting ready to head to South Bend for the next two days. Natalie has a Birthday party Sleepover tomorrow and we are just going to hang out and visit those we can. I am super excited a week from Monday I will be getting on a plane for Florida.

I know most people will think that we are crazy for going so much but to be honest that is where we all want to be. I think it will come sooner than we thought and for this I am truly happy. I have been living in denial for far to long and I really am past whose feelings are going to get hurt. I have now realized the road goes both ways and everyone can visit.

Man I woke up being a little pissy. I am not sure why. I think I am really just trying to do whats best for me for a change and in the process I am realizing some people are not going to like it. In the best I would have really thought about that and now I realize this is my life and I have the right to live it.

Natalie is super excited about the Bday party and Leaving for disney soon so here is to the count down. Let's hope for a relatively fast week ahead.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One Class down..

Today was the last day of my 8 week course this semester. I have to say taking 8 week course rock and the amount of work was not bad at all. I will be happy when the prof posts the questions for the final exam so I can write the essay and be officially done with the class.
Well I think I have completely lost my mind. I am going to try to graduate next May. That is about one year ahead of schedule but I am ready to move on to the next chapter in my life.

It will mean all work and almost no play and Nate and Natalie have agreed to pick up the slack so I can accomplish this drastic goal.

But enough with the future let's take a min to talk about today . I am going to make a birthday card and some die cuts to go along with the birthday gift.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Today was a Success

I am feeling really good about myself to day. I nailed my debate in my topics class and I think I did fairly well on my ASL midterm. So all and all a good day. I will be working on some Etsy stuff tomorrow as well as hopefully getting a clear outlook on the rest of my college life. I am really wanting to be done. A lot has changed this year and I think moving here was not the greatest idea school wise. I do love the spring semester but the quality of material being taught is very lame and now one really mentors you. So I am kinda done with this campus and want to graduate ASAP.

Going to the Bend this weekend and hoping to have a nice few days. I will write more later the phone is ringing.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Decisions Decisions

Sometimes I wonder why I put myself into these places. Do I or Don't I . I want a million things but have to make the right choices and hope I walk away with no regrets. I know that this is very vague, but I am not ready to show all my cards yet and I am not ready to have the conversations that go along with them as some people close to me will not agree. I do sit here and wonder why it bothers people when you make choices that you know that are the right choices for you.

I will hopefully know more about my path Tuesday afternoon. Still choices , choices.

Back to class tomorrow and we have debates and a final this week. Ugh I so dread public speaking yuck, yuck , yuck. Well I am going to watch Amazing Race and then I am going back to crafting.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Today's going better.

Today Natalie woke up feeling much better. She is still having some pain but all in all much better. I am getting ready to start crafting and laundry for the rest of the afternoon. I will try to get some pictures posted. I still need to get a picture of Natalie's hair on. I cannot believe 2 weeks from Monday we will be back in Florida for another week. This year seems to be our year and I am doing it on a student budget. Amazing what living rent free can do. It will be sad when we move on from this job and into the real world, but until then I am going to milk it all I can. We I am off to be creative.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Poor Natalie

Today had to go and get two teeth removed at the oral surgeon. She was so nervous at first asking all the normal questions. Mom, will I wake up from being put under and am I going to be okay. When they get to be 13 and 98% of the time they don't need you, it slips your mind that they are still little and get scared. I reassured her that I am almost 100% sure she would be just fine and she was.

She looks so tired and pale right now so she is curled up on the sofa next to her daddy. It really sucks that I have to go to work at 1pm. I would rather stay at home and baby her today. Nate gets the afternoon shift and I get the evening. I am hoping she does not have too much pain today, they gave her pain meds but who knows how well they will work.

Enough of the worried mom rant. I am going to be making a peace sign birthday card and stationary tonight and I think I am going to create a few other things as well. Pictures to follow if all goes as planned.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's all ok...

Today has been a real lazy kinda day. Nate slept in until noon. I though to myself why can't I sleep past 9 am anymore. We got up and around shortly after and decided to get an oil change in the car and subway for lunch which ended up being lunch and dinner woohoo.

I got on the wii fit today and it had been awhile since I had to hear oooo when you step on the balance board so I was dreading the moment when you see your weight. I was pleasantly surprise when it said I had lost 4.5 since the last time I weighed myself. I was doing the happy dance. Nate on the other hand gain 9.25 pounds and for those of you that know my lovely husband he is worse then a girl.

We also got the XBOX 360 Kinect and I am super excited. I played with it a little bit before work and you really get a work out. My goal is to be 25 pounds lighter by next June.

Next June I will hopefully be graduating college and moving on to the next phase in my life. I am not sure yet what that will be but I want to be in the best shape of my life when I get started.

Enough blabbing tonight I need to first rearranging my craft/homework area and start making a few birthday cards. I have two coming up really soon.

Enjoy these moments even if they are not the best ones.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I am so exhausted today. Why is it that people think that cooking food at 2 am and then burning it is a good idea. I mean really watch what your cooking. We had another fire alarm last night and let's just say I was not thrilled and the other residents felt the same. It took the fire dept about 30 mins to get the smoke to clear and people acted like we were punishing them by having the evacuate the building.

I so I did not lay back down until 4 am and I looked at the clock last at 5am and had to be in the office to turn the nightly paper work just before 8am. Needless to say this lady is exhausted and I have a pounding headache. I am hoping to be able to catnap later.

So much to do today and I am just not sure it is going to get done. Well I am hoping the day becomes better.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Going to start Spring Cleaning

Today is a very gloomy day but I think that I really need to start some spring cleaning anyway. It is funny how much accumulates over the winter. I need to also start thinking about downsizing. I am realizing that our apartment would look nicer if we downsized a little. I have a million things I want to get started now I just need to pick a direction and start. Let's see hmmmmm....nope I still am sitting here and that is not a good sign.

I only have 4 classes left in my eight week course I am so happy about that and I am thinking about taking more of those in the upcoming semesters. Until later tonight I better get my butt off of here and get to cleaning.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rainy Days

Today was all wet and soggy. So with this blah weather my mood is the same. I am very tired today for no reason at all. I struggled with an exam today and to top it off I broke a vintage muppets glass tonight. Ugh. I hate gloomy days. How come I always get the short end of the stick. I am mom right? I tell ya Daddy's and their daughters... I think I am going to a lot of nothing tonight and hope for a better day tomorrow. Which I know will involve me writing a paper.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Gotta Love the Weekends

We went to South Bend to pick up Natalie this weekend and I have to say it was a very lovely weekend. I did not meet up with friends this time but hopefully I will have more time and energy next time. Natalie had a great visit to the Bend and I am very happy that she was able to spend a lot of time with my brother this trip.

Family drama never seems to far away when we are concerned. I am trying to figure out a way to let my mom know that Natalie really would prefer to just visit and not spend the night anymore. My parents only sit around and watch TV or bitch about everything and everyone and she would rather hang out with people who are more out going and positive. I know this might hurt their feelings but she is a teenager and hell she doesn't even really want to be around her parents and we do alot of stuff. My mom pitched a fit to my brother who she stayed with this time but she never openly says anything to me.

I guess I will have to say something sooner or later. This was really only sour note and we really did not let that bother us to much. I had a blast at my brother's house and I cannot wait to do it again. I really missed seeing my SIL and her family but the little ones were sick and Aunt Theresa wants no part of that.

I do think we have set a new course in our life but it is a little early to make an annoucement but all I have to say is I am thrilled.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Love being the go go go type

So we decided to leave for South Bend tonight instead of tomorrow. I know we are completely bonkers but what the hell. I think we are going to enjoy a nice weekend and if the weather stays as nice as forecasted we are going to walk around Notre Dame campus.

I am hoping to meet up with some friends if its possible. I cannot wait to stop by and visit family and see all the kids. Well I gotta pack we are leaving after I get out of class around four. Until Sunday.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What A Lovely Day.

Today was a nice day that I got to spend with my honey. We drove to indy and we had a wonderful lunch at P.F.Chang's the food was amazing and the decor was just awesome. I recommend going if you ever get the chance. We hung around Indy for most of the day. We both goy our hair cut and I went to the eye doctor. I will have new classes by Friday which rocks. We really just enjoyed being out and spending time with each other away from school and work.

I am really ready to go and pick up my lovely daughter. I am missing her alot this week. I know she is having a blast but it is very quiet here. Today she did call me twice just to talk so I think she is missing home a little too. I do believe I know what to get her for her Birthday. She wants to redo her room. Hollywood is theme and movies are her scheme. I know I am a complete dork what can I say. Life is great. Well I am off to start browsing for her Bday presents. Until next time...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Love DAy

TOday is Valentine's Day. I Hope everyone has a wonderful day. I plan on spending time with Nate after classes. Yesterday I accomplished a lot. I now have 21 items on Etsy and hopefully those numbers will drop due to sells. I am going to be adding more later this week. I am almost completely done with the work for my eight week class and I could not be happier.

This month is just flying by. It is now 30 days until our next trip to Disney and I am so excited. Natalie is having a blast in South Bend, but I miss her. The house is too quiet. I suppose I really should get ready for class.

Not to much else to say have a great day.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I finally added more items to Etsy

I finally got off my butt and listed some of the cute cupcake toppers that I have been creating. My goal is to get at least 50 different items on over the next week or so. I have lots of travel plans this summer and well I need to fund those plans some how. I really haven't been up to much really. I am glad that it is finally going to be getting a little warmer over the next couple of days. We are going up to South Bend next week and that will be nice. I really enjoy visiting family and just hanging out. Heck I might even stop by campus who knows. Well these items are not going to create themselves. back to crafting I go.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Close to Working Time

Well I just got home from dropping Natalie off to my brother. I hope she has a blast this week visiting back at home. I do believe my brother and his wife are taking her to see the Justin Beiber 3D movie that comes out tomorrow. I am very pleased by this... I am also finished with my one class that is only the first 8 weeks of the semester. It has been a lot of work but fun and in the end it means less school for the rest of the semester. I am loving ASL this semester. I did end up dropping the Astronomy class which was just not for me at all. I am so happy about that. Tonight I will be adding new stuff to Etsy which I am very excited about. Nothing much else is going on. I am just trying to find a way to make more money so I can vacation more. I really want to enjoy this job and the fact that I have every other week off. Until next time....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


It is very cold out today. I wish I go escape back to Florida this weather is nuts. I am so ready for spring. Today is full of exams and work this evening. Tomorrow I am taking Miss Natalie to my brother for a week she is excited but I will miss her lots. It is good for her to go back home to spend time with family and some of her friends. She is still having some trouble finding friends but I am hoping spring will help that. I am hoping to find kind of activity she wants to do. On the plus side we started high school world history this week and so far so good. I know it is a major jump for her but it has given her the drive to get into the Homeschooling program here at IUB. We are still working on the math the subject I dread the most but together we will get through it.

Over all life is pretty good. Last weeks surprise trip to Disney was so awesome and I cannot wait to fly down for Spring Break in March. I have also started some of my new ideas for my Etsy shop and I have to say they are so adorable. I also think I found the perfect glue and that just rocks. Well I have a couple hours before my next exam so its time to do some last minute cramming. Until next time stay safe and warm..

Monday, January 31, 2011

Gotta Love Fire Alarms

Well last ended our duty week as HA's and just when I thought the weekend would end peacefully the building fire alarm went of at 2:30am. Yeah you read that right. Some genus burnt hard boiled eggs. I gotta love people that burn things in water. I did not get back to sleep until almost 4am so this made for a long day.

I am glad that I am sitting here knowing that I do not have to deal with rude people for another week. Aww what a relief.

We are now are 6 weeks away from our Spring Break Disney trip. This trip will be amazing since Natalie and I will be flying for the first time. I am slightly nervous and hope all the hoopla is worth the time savings versus driving.

I seem to have a lot to say tonight. Tomorrow I will be taking pictures of very unique items that I will be listing in my etsy store (natebarn). I am hoping to have the new items up by Friday. I am going to be making cupcake toppers and liners as well as my normal die cuts.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wow January Has flown by.

It seems like the Holidays were just a few weeks ago. I cannot believe how quick the month of January has flown by. I am not to sure that I have accomplished enough to deem it a success. I know I start my exercise routine tonight as well as my new healthy for me diet. I want to lose a few inches before March 14th and I know it is going to take a lot of hard work but I know I can do it. This year is going to be the year that I focus on the positive things in my life while getting healthy and fit.

Guitar lessons are slow going but I think I am very happy with that. I am struggling when it comes to the more complex chords. I have the E chord down almost by memory the other chords are tough. Practice Practice Practice. I still have at least another hour or so tonight and then an hour before class tomorrow to get a very more chords memorized but I am very happy to have one down.

I think I am going to be adding handcrafted jewelry and vintage accessories and shoes to my etsy shoppe. It's almost time to go to work and I am sure I have things to do.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just another Day

There is not to much going on right now besides school and work. We are excited about flying for the first time in March. Yeah you guessed it we are going to Disney again. This will be the first flight for me and Natalie, we are both slightly nervous but really excited too. It will take a 14 hour drive and turn it into a 6 hour ordeal after waiting at the airport and stuff. Which eight hours is an extra eight hours. We are still trying to decide what to do this summer. I know we will sneak in a trip to Disney that is a complete give me but what else. Maybe D.C. again or a camping trip to the Smoky Mountains. I know we do what to do something new too. I guess we will just have to see what the future brings.

Let's finish updating about our last trip to South Bend. We tried this new restaurant in the mall called Flat Top Grill and it was amazing and we ate there two days in a row. We also spent an evening at Kildare's Pub by Notre Dame Campus and that was a blast as well. If you get a chance you should stop by Kilwin's candy shop at the new shopping area by ND Campus they have yummy treats and good tea. We spent hours there chit chatting with Nate's mom. Overall this past trip was nice. I wish I was able to see a few more of my friends and some of my old professor's but there is always next time.

Remember we create our own success.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Great trip to the Bend

I had a great trip to the Bend this last pasted weekend. I visited both of my BDAY nephews and we even got to go to the pub with Matt and Dani and that totally rocked. I loved hanging out and running into friends. Most of all I got to spend a lot of time with just me and Nate and that was the best part of the trip. It was nice just to spend time with just the two of us. Natalie spent time with my mom and brother so all in all a great trip. This semester is also going great so far. I love all of my classes and I will learn how to play guitar even if my fingers fall off.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New HairCuts

Since I have returned from vacation I really have a new lease on life. I am going to enjoy the now and not focus on tomorrow so much. We are going to be staying put for the rest of Natalie's teenage years, I really think this is important for her. So with all these new decisions being made Natalie and myself decided to get new haircuts. I feel so amazing and it kinda reminds me of a cute 50's/60's retro look and to top it off it gives the appearance that I lost weight in my face and that is a major plus. I was not very happy with the photo's of myself from Disney.

I am going to continue to take risks like new hairstyles, trips and even taking some courses that I might has passed on before like ceramics , folklore and guitar II. So here is to taking chances and living life to the fullest. Man who would have thought a vacation and a haircut could change so much.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

This week is Flying by..

I cannot believe that it is already technically Thursday already. My classes rock this semester and I am finally caught up on rest from our vacation but that will not last. Life is busier than ever and yet I feel like I am enjoying every moment.

Tonight Nate encouraged me to purchase the guitar that I really wanted and I cannot wait for it to arrive sometime later this week or earlier next week. I am super excited about visiting the Bend next week as well. Two of my cute nephews birthdays are then and I get to celebrate with them.

I am finally coming to enjoy the decision of moving to Bloomington although I miss my friend family and professors from South Bend more than words can express this is where I am suppose to be right now and guess what I can content with that. Sometimes all it takes is making a sound decision and moving forward and our trip to Disney allowed us to do just that.

Well morning will be here before I know it and I have to be in class at 9:30 so I better head to bed. Here is to sweet dreams and inner peace.. Awwww Life is Good.

Monday, January 10, 2011

First Day of Spring Semester 2011

Today officially starts the first day of the spring semester and I am ready for a great semester. I am real excited about my beginning guitar lessons class and sign language class. I think this semester will be unique to say the least.

I am also going to get back to creating lots of new things for my esty shop and hopefully the sells get on trickling in. Here is to a great semester and many new memories in 2011. I will hopefully be double posting today to include some pictures from vacation.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

What a Great Vacation

Well folks we are home after a very nice vacation in Florida. It was very much needed. Natalie and her BFF Makayla had an awesome time making memories at Disney and to my surprise they really did not have any melt down moments between them which was wonderful. The weather was nice almost everyday with only a couple chilly days but if sixty and windy is chilly I'll take that anyday.

I cannot believe that amount of Snow South Bend has gotten in the last 48 hours its completely crazy. I am so glad that I know live in Bloomington. We just had a small dusting of snow and cold temps when we arrived home around 12:30 last night.

Well tomorrow starts the Spring semester and I have a million things to accomplish today and I still have to drive miss Makayla to the have way point so yes I am a busy busy girl.

More to come later along with pictures from the trip.