Friday, September 3, 2010

First Week Of Fall Semester.... Success

I was not sure how I would like taking classes here at Bloomington vs at IUSB. I have to admit the work load is a lot lighter then IUSB and the classes are way bigger, but the variety is out of this world. I am taking one anthropology and 2 archaeology classes and my favorite class is intro to folklore. I think I might be adding folklore as a minor it really goes hand and hand with anthropology.

I walk to class everyday and it takes me about 25 minutes to reach my furtherest point and I am walking up hill both ways. I honestly did not think that could happen but here in Bloomington everything is up hill. I think this is a great way to force myself to exercise.

This week Natalie started art class and she began working with clay and she just loves it. Tomorrow is her first horse back riding lesson so I will update later this weekend on how she liked it. After class today we are going to Indy for a bit and I hope we are able to find her a cheap pair of boots for tomorrow. Well class is about to begin.