Thursday, May 31, 2012


Yesterday Nate had his interview at Walt Disney World and it went very well. They do not have any positions that need filled ASAP so they put him on a waiting list for something to become available. This could be 2 week or 6 months. With this being said, we have picked our move date. It will be sometime at the beginning of August. So the house/ APT hunting begins. I am now need to find a friend in the area to help to decide which is the good areas vs the bad areas.

I will be having several yard sales over the next couple of weeks and I will be sharing that information with everyone on here and facebook. I will update more later. It has been a lazy day so I really need to get some work done.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We are Moving to Florida

Well our big news is that we are moving to Florida this summer. I know we are super crazy to be moving when its hotter than hell but we love Disney and Nate has an interview down there next week. Please keep us in your thoughts, this is something we have wanted for a very long time and the cards are starting to fall in line.

I spent a wonderful day out and about with my lovely daughter and husband. I am truly blessed. When we got home our new squishables were here. Natalie got an jellyfish and named him Mr. Bubbles, I got the hedgehog and he is named Watson, and I also got the red panda and she is named Briar Rose and Mr. Hootz was happy to welcome them home. I know we are giant kids at heart. Who else would be thrilled to get oversized stuff animals. They are super awesome.

I will get you posted on the job and packing process, not to mention a place to live. I am hoping by networking we will find a nice place to rent for the first few years that allows our 3 little shihpoos. Off to get some sleep.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

busting at the seams

I am so busting at the seams. I really want to spill the beans and talk about our news and I still cannot. Hopefully by Thursday afternoon. All I know is, it is time to declutter. How do we accumilate so much stuff in a short period of time. I am really thinking about going the less is more mentality. I am going to be having a yard sale next weekend. I do not think I will be ready to have it this Saturday. I am also thinking I need to make BBQ plans with my little brother and his family.

I am going to the seamstress tomorrow with Dani to get her dress altered for the wedding and then they are coming to the house to hang out for a bit. So much to do and so little time. I am still way behind in orders and I really should be doing those. I will be going to that now.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Things are moving forward =)

Our new chapter is moving in the right direction. Please keep yorur fingers crossed for us. Something big and important is happening next week and it would be a complete dream come true. I really hope to be able to spill the beans about everything soon. I just want to wait until all persons involved have been given the information. 

With all this being said, I am getting ready to do a major declutter and have a garage sell this coming Saturday, if everything works out as I hope it does. Now I better get back to making order so I can find the time to get things ready for the yard sale. For all my crafting friends I will let you know all the items I plan on letting go so you have first dibbs.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Change is Coming =)

I have the best husband in the world. We are stubborn and have yet to put the A/C in the windows, so when the house felt like a toaster oven last night, Nate suggested we get out for a little bit. We went for a nice drive and like always it was a perfect way just to talk and laugh. Last night we made a major desicion and it means BIG change. I am so ready and it also means a fresh start. I am sorry I have to keep you in the dark about the change for just a little while longer, there are key people in our lives that do not have a clue and we would like it to stay that way for as long as possible. 

With change comes the time to declutter. Thanks Ann for lighting the fire under my bottom to start this process and hopefully I will be having a yard this next weekend. I would really like to get rid of a lot of items I no longer use. I will be letting all my craft friends know if I decide to declutter some of my items as well.

I cannot wait for things to start falling in place. Well I must get back to making orders and getting things cuaght up around here. Have a great Sunday.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Maid of Honor Dress Bought

Today was dress shopping day. I really hate dress shopping, I always feel like a blimp when trying things on, but today we found a few that looked just lovely on me. I love the one we all decided on and the shoes are very pretty. I would post a picture but the groom wants to be completely surprised when it comes to all of the girls dresses.

My brother in laws wedding is going to be lovely. I know that we have a lot left to do, and they are getting so nervous at the fast approaching date.

So yesterday, I was truly doubting if I was going to keep up with daily blogging and here I am today. Let's hope this becomes a daily habit. I would love to look back years down the road and see what I was thinking and doing at the time.

Enjoy this lovely warm and sunny weekend friends. I am will hopefully remember to blog tomorrow.

Friday, May 18, 2012

This coming summer is going to be a summer of new memories. I am looking forward to our upcoming camping trip with Nate's family. It should be fun having all of us together. We are also going back down to Turkey Run with my brother and his family. We had a blast last year and this year Natalie wants to go horseback riding on some of the trails. That should be fun and interesting. I think I might even do the lazy river if the river is high even this year. It was really low last year. I think we will have to have the puppies go to a doggie resort while we are there. I just do not think my shihpoos are camping puppies. If I had an RV it would be totally different.

So much has changed for me since moving home. I am happy that I get to spend time with my mom, dad and baby brother plus Nate's family but it is not what I hoped it would be. I tried taking classes again and realized that my heart was no longer in it. Which in some deep place is sad. I did enjoy archeaology and anthropology but it currently is not for the person I am today. I am proud to say I am a success Etsy Artisan. Since last year my shoppe has sky rocketed. I am currently working on 60 plus orders and more come daily. I am happy and love what I am doing. The best part my job can go with me anywhere.

With that being said, I think a major change might be coming our way, but time will tell on that. So I have decided to focus on all the good in my life right now and let go of the doors that had to be closed. That's life.

Well until next time , let me know what you are up too.

Friday, May 11, 2012


Well today has been just a yucky day. My allergies are in full swing ehich means , uncontrollable sneezing, watery eyes and let's not forget the lovely runny nose. I sure hope tomorrow is better. I have a lots of orders to complete and ship out before Monday.

So what is new, well a lot really. We are in another transition stage in our life. This year I closed some doors on people that only caused drama and one of them was part of the reason we moved back to South Bend. With that being said, we have become a lot closer to Nate's younger brother and his soon to be wife. I love them to pieces. We are going to be standing in their wedding this July. Natalie is now 15 and is such a beautiful and kind young lady.

I also decided school was not in my life plan anymore. I know a few of you will be shocked, but please do not be disappointed, I am truly happy running my own business which has skyrocketed this year so far.  I am doing what makes me happy and that is being crafty.

So what is in our future, well those details will come in time. I will catch up on more soon. I know I left out a good chunk but I have to get back to making orders. Have a great weekend and be sure to tell your mom how much you love her.