Sunday, June 26, 2011


Somedays I just wonder at the behavior at those around me. There are times when I can go weeks without talking to my father and then out of the blue he calls as if nothing is amiss. I wonder what it is like to live in a state of denial. I love him don't get me wrong, I just amazed at the polar opposite personalities he has from day to day.

Today has been a real busy one. For one Toy Story die cuts take for ever to cut and piece together. I am still down almost 10 orders and more keep coming in. I am very thankful for this but feel a little overwhelmed today. Thank goodness my daughter is my assistant in training and she is working so hard. Today she said mom I feel like crying. I asked why and she said I want to make these perfect like you do. I just got teary eyed and reassured her that she was doing a great time and she would get faster as time goes on.

It amazed me that she feels that I make them perfectly. Kids are full of endless wonder and I want to cherish these moments while they last. She 14 and these moments are slipping by so quickly.

Remember the July Giveaways starts this upcoming weekend be sure to stop by on July 1st and become a follower and leave a comment to qualify.

Until next time. When was the last time you felt like you were in a state of wonder?


  1. Theresa.. Thank you to you and your daughter for being so kind and sweet to send Salifu a card. I am so excited for Salifu and I wish I could see his beautiful face when he receives all of these beautiful cards. I am sure that Salifu will write you back so be sure to enclose your return address!! Thank you and your daughter again..You both have amazingly huge hearts!! Also, thank you for your sweet words about me being a special person. You are also for doing this for my sweet Salifu!! Terri of Two Pink Peas

  2. Thanks for stopping by and I am very happy to do this.

  3. Love this. There is so much wonder with our kids isn't there? We mustn't ever lose sight of that.
