Monday, February 28, 2011

Today was a Success

I am feeling really good about myself to day. I nailed my debate in my topics class and I think I did fairly well on my ASL midterm. So all and all a good day. I will be working on some Etsy stuff tomorrow as well as hopefully getting a clear outlook on the rest of my college life. I am really wanting to be done. A lot has changed this year and I think moving here was not the greatest idea school wise. I do love the spring semester but the quality of material being taught is very lame and now one really mentors you. So I am kinda done with this campus and want to graduate ASAP.

Going to the Bend this weekend and hoping to have a nice few days. I will write more later the phone is ringing.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Decisions Decisions

Sometimes I wonder why I put myself into these places. Do I or Don't I . I want a million things but have to make the right choices and hope I walk away with no regrets. I know that this is very vague, but I am not ready to show all my cards yet and I am not ready to have the conversations that go along with them as some people close to me will not agree. I do sit here and wonder why it bothers people when you make choices that you know that are the right choices for you.

I will hopefully know more about my path Tuesday afternoon. Still choices , choices.

Back to class tomorrow and we have debates and a final this week. Ugh I so dread public speaking yuck, yuck , yuck. Well I am going to watch Amazing Race and then I am going back to crafting.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Today's going better.

Today Natalie woke up feeling much better. She is still having some pain but all in all much better. I am getting ready to start crafting and laundry for the rest of the afternoon. I will try to get some pictures posted. I still need to get a picture of Natalie's hair on. I cannot believe 2 weeks from Monday we will be back in Florida for another week. This year seems to be our year and I am doing it on a student budget. Amazing what living rent free can do. It will be sad when we move on from this job and into the real world, but until then I am going to milk it all I can. We I am off to be creative.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Poor Natalie

Today had to go and get two teeth removed at the oral surgeon. She was so nervous at first asking all the normal questions. Mom, will I wake up from being put under and am I going to be okay. When they get to be 13 and 98% of the time they don't need you, it slips your mind that they are still little and get scared. I reassured her that I am almost 100% sure she would be just fine and she was.

She looks so tired and pale right now so she is curled up on the sofa next to her daddy. It really sucks that I have to go to work at 1pm. I would rather stay at home and baby her today. Nate gets the afternoon shift and I get the evening. I am hoping she does not have too much pain today, they gave her pain meds but who knows how well they will work.

Enough of the worried mom rant. I am going to be making a peace sign birthday card and stationary tonight and I think I am going to create a few other things as well. Pictures to follow if all goes as planned.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's all ok...

Today has been a real lazy kinda day. Nate slept in until noon. I though to myself why can't I sleep past 9 am anymore. We got up and around shortly after and decided to get an oil change in the car and subway for lunch which ended up being lunch and dinner woohoo.

I got on the wii fit today and it had been awhile since I had to hear oooo when you step on the balance board so I was dreading the moment when you see your weight. I was pleasantly surprise when it said I had lost 4.5 since the last time I weighed myself. I was doing the happy dance. Nate on the other hand gain 9.25 pounds and for those of you that know my lovely husband he is worse then a girl.

We also got the XBOX 360 Kinect and I am super excited. I played with it a little bit before work and you really get a work out. My goal is to be 25 pounds lighter by next June.

Next June I will hopefully be graduating college and moving on to the next phase in my life. I am not sure yet what that will be but I want to be in the best shape of my life when I get started.

Enough blabbing tonight I need to first rearranging my craft/homework area and start making a few birthday cards. I have two coming up really soon.

Enjoy these moments even if they are not the best ones.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I am so exhausted today. Why is it that people think that cooking food at 2 am and then burning it is a good idea. I mean really watch what your cooking. We had another fire alarm last night and let's just say I was not thrilled and the other residents felt the same. It took the fire dept about 30 mins to get the smoke to clear and people acted like we were punishing them by having the evacuate the building.

I so I did not lay back down until 4 am and I looked at the clock last at 5am and had to be in the office to turn the nightly paper work just before 8am. Needless to say this lady is exhausted and I have a pounding headache. I am hoping to be able to catnap later.

So much to do today and I am just not sure it is going to get done. Well I am hoping the day becomes better.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Going to start Spring Cleaning

Today is a very gloomy day but I think that I really need to start some spring cleaning anyway. It is funny how much accumulates over the winter. I need to also start thinking about downsizing. I am realizing that our apartment would look nicer if we downsized a little. I have a million things I want to get started now I just need to pick a direction and start. Let's see hmmmmm....nope I still am sitting here and that is not a good sign.

I only have 4 classes left in my eight week course I am so happy about that and I am thinking about taking more of those in the upcoming semesters. Until later tonight I better get my butt off of here and get to cleaning.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rainy Days

Today was all wet and soggy. So with this blah weather my mood is the same. I am very tired today for no reason at all. I struggled with an exam today and to top it off I broke a vintage muppets glass tonight. Ugh. I hate gloomy days. How come I always get the short end of the stick. I am mom right? I tell ya Daddy's and their daughters... I think I am going to a lot of nothing tonight and hope for a better day tomorrow. Which I know will involve me writing a paper.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Gotta Love the Weekends

We went to South Bend to pick up Natalie this weekend and I have to say it was a very lovely weekend. I did not meet up with friends this time but hopefully I will have more time and energy next time. Natalie had a great visit to the Bend and I am very happy that she was able to spend a lot of time with my brother this trip.

Family drama never seems to far away when we are concerned. I am trying to figure out a way to let my mom know that Natalie really would prefer to just visit and not spend the night anymore. My parents only sit around and watch TV or bitch about everything and everyone and she would rather hang out with people who are more out going and positive. I know this might hurt their feelings but she is a teenager and hell she doesn't even really want to be around her parents and we do alot of stuff. My mom pitched a fit to my brother who she stayed with this time but she never openly says anything to me.

I guess I will have to say something sooner or later. This was really only sour note and we really did not let that bother us to much. I had a blast at my brother's house and I cannot wait to do it again. I really missed seeing my SIL and her family but the little ones were sick and Aunt Theresa wants no part of that.

I do think we have set a new course in our life but it is a little early to make an annoucement but all I have to say is I am thrilled.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Love being the go go go type

So we decided to leave for South Bend tonight instead of tomorrow. I know we are completely bonkers but what the hell. I think we are going to enjoy a nice weekend and if the weather stays as nice as forecasted we are going to walk around Notre Dame campus.

I am hoping to meet up with some friends if its possible. I cannot wait to stop by and visit family and see all the kids. Well I gotta pack we are leaving after I get out of class around four. Until Sunday.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What A Lovely Day.

Today was a nice day that I got to spend with my honey. We drove to indy and we had a wonderful lunch at P.F.Chang's the food was amazing and the decor was just awesome. I recommend going if you ever get the chance. We hung around Indy for most of the day. We both goy our hair cut and I went to the eye doctor. I will have new classes by Friday which rocks. We really just enjoyed being out and spending time with each other away from school and work.

I am really ready to go and pick up my lovely daughter. I am missing her alot this week. I know she is having a blast but it is very quiet here. Today she did call me twice just to talk so I think she is missing home a little too. I do believe I know what to get her for her Birthday. She wants to redo her room. Hollywood is theme and movies are her scheme. I know I am a complete dork what can I say. Life is great. Well I am off to start browsing for her Bday presents. Until next time...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Love DAy

TOday is Valentine's Day. I Hope everyone has a wonderful day. I plan on spending time with Nate after classes. Yesterday I accomplished a lot. I now have 21 items on Etsy and hopefully those numbers will drop due to sells. I am going to be adding more later this week. I am almost completely done with the work for my eight week class and I could not be happier.

This month is just flying by. It is now 30 days until our next trip to Disney and I am so excited. Natalie is having a blast in South Bend, but I miss her. The house is too quiet. I suppose I really should get ready for class.

Not to much else to say have a great day.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I finally added more items to Etsy

I finally got off my butt and listed some of the cute cupcake toppers that I have been creating. My goal is to get at least 50 different items on over the next week or so. I have lots of travel plans this summer and well I need to fund those plans some how. I really haven't been up to much really. I am glad that it is finally going to be getting a little warmer over the next couple of days. We are going up to South Bend next week and that will be nice. I really enjoy visiting family and just hanging out. Heck I might even stop by campus who knows. Well these items are not going to create themselves. back to crafting I go.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Close to Working Time

Well I just got home from dropping Natalie off to my brother. I hope she has a blast this week visiting back at home. I do believe my brother and his wife are taking her to see the Justin Beiber 3D movie that comes out tomorrow. I am very pleased by this... I am also finished with my one class that is only the first 8 weeks of the semester. It has been a lot of work but fun and in the end it means less school for the rest of the semester. I am loving ASL this semester. I did end up dropping the Astronomy class which was just not for me at all. I am so happy about that. Tonight I will be adding new stuff to Etsy which I am very excited about. Nothing much else is going on. I am just trying to find a way to make more money so I can vacation more. I really want to enjoy this job and the fact that I have every other week off. Until next time....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


It is very cold out today. I wish I go escape back to Florida this weather is nuts. I am so ready for spring. Today is full of exams and work this evening. Tomorrow I am taking Miss Natalie to my brother for a week she is excited but I will miss her lots. It is good for her to go back home to spend time with family and some of her friends. She is still having some trouble finding friends but I am hoping spring will help that. I am hoping to find kind of activity she wants to do. On the plus side we started high school world history this week and so far so good. I know it is a major jump for her but it has given her the drive to get into the Homeschooling program here at IUB. We are still working on the math the subject I dread the most but together we will get through it.

Over all life is pretty good. Last weeks surprise trip to Disney was so awesome and I cannot wait to fly down for Spring Break in March. I have also started some of my new ideas for my Etsy shop and I have to say they are so adorable. I also think I found the perfect glue and that just rocks. Well I have a couple hours before my next exam so its time to do some last minute cramming. Until next time stay safe and warm..