Friday, July 29, 2011

Camping Trip Almost here

I cannot wait until next Tuesday. We are going to go camping with my brother and his family. I hear the place that we are going is beautiful. I want to travel some of the well hiked trails and I planning on spending a day in the lazy river tube adventure. I will be sure to share lots of pictures when we get back.

Now here comes the count down till then. I have 20 orders to complete and one of them is a 150 piece order. Sleep is over rated LOL> Well back to making orders. Enjoy your weekend.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's another new Journey

It has been just over a year since we moved to Bloomington and I vey happy to say that we are moving back home. Being here in Bloomington never really felt like the place for us. The new place appeal wore off really quick and the people here are just not as friendly and open as you would expect.

I came here to continue on the path to my degree in anthropology and that dreams was trashed the first semester here. I felt out of place and as if the professors all just went through the motions. The big campus did not have the same welcoming feeling as the branch campus that I came from had. I truly tried to connect with several professors and that lead no where.

There are positives however. I took the leap to start my esty business and it is going strong so far. I am having the time of my life working for myself and doing something I do not find to be work.

As the months have passed we realized just how much we missed home and the people there. So we decided that it is time to go home. We are now in the process of packing, which is the worst part about moving. We will be leaving Bloomington the last week of August and I could not be happier.

I am thankful that this move allowed me to act on one of my dreams and I am very pleased at the fact my daughter found the courage to go out and find a volunteer job all on her on. She has become a strong young adult over the past year. She has gained skills she will take with her forever.

With all this rambling, I have forgot to mention that I have added many new items to my shoppe. Please come and check them out. If you have any suggests on how to improve any aspect of my shoppe, I am all ears.

Have a great week.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Morning,

The house is still quiet this morning. I am the only one up and around. I am sitting catching up on my blog writing and reading, not to mention still working away on Etsy orders.

Business is still going strong and I am so excited about the future possibilities that this will offer. We are currently thinking about our move that will be coming up within the next 6 months and I am so happy. I hate the moving part but I am happy to be doing it.

We are also truck shopping and kayaks. I am going camping next week and that will be a nice and relaxing mini vacation.

On to some sad news. My grandfather will get to come home this Friday but he has stopped eating. Hospice has been called in and his window is now around 3 weeks with his current eating habits. If he begins to eat again they are giving him roughly 4 months. We love you papa.

Well I am now off to start my day and make new memories.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Added New Items

I wanted to share that I have added new items to my shoppe. I am not sure how I managed to squeeze them in but I am so glad that I did.

I am now offering high chair banners and Minnie table Toppers. Come check them out.
More new items to come over the next couple of days. If you do not see what you are looking for please send me a convo through etsy or leave me a comment here. I will try to help however I can.

Have a great crafting day and stay cool if possible.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wow it's been awhile

Well I am pleased to say that my Etsy shoppe has taken off. I am busier than I thought I would be this early and that is wonderful. I have also made the decision to move back home this winter. Yes that is right " I am coming home to the South Bend area". This will give me the chance to reconnect to family and friends. I need this type of support system and Bloomington does not offer that.

Natalie is thrilled at the fact and Nate is too. In fact he is the main reason we are coming back. He knew in my heart I wanted to come home, but I would never say anything. So he brought it up at my brother's house and between the two men in my life I was hooked on coming home.

On the crafting side. I have been creating lots of stuff. I just need the time to list them in Etsy and share them here. Maybe by the weekend.

I am counting down the days until we go camping with my brother and his family. Turkey Run here we come.

Well Off to make more orders. I will try to update soon.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I love you Papa

Tonight I got the news they have called in hospice and have sent my Papa home to spend his remaining time on this earth. He is a loving man and has always been there for me whenever I needed him. I will be going to see him this Friday and I know in my heart this is probably the last time I will see him on this earth. Oh how my heartaches at the thought that he will be leaving us soon. I feel very deeply for my grandmother who will miss him more then words can say. I really do not have the heart to write much more tonight. Maybe tomorrow will provide me a lighter heart. Good night and god Bless. Papa I love you more than words or emotions can express.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July !!**!!

I hope all my friends and family have a wonderful day. I am going to be working on orders and then we will go out for lunch. This will be two years in a row that we will spend the holiday alone. I am looking forward to this weekend when we head home to spend sometime with our families.

Enjoy the fireworks and cookouts today. What is your favorite part of the 4th of July? Oh and what new cricut cartridge have you purchased or won lately.

I just bought Boys will B Boys. I cannot wait for it to arrive.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Giveaway is going to be rescheduled.

Wow I have had record sales over the last week. So the giveaway will have to be rescheduled. So sorry. I am going to be spend my holiday weekend making orders.... WHICH ROCKS!!!!

I am so excited about my shoppe. If you have not stopped by please feel free to do so.
I am always putting new items on and I can do custom orders no problem. So what are your plans this weekend?