Thursday, July 29, 2010

Joys of Parenthood.

Today has been an emotional journey for Miss Natalie. She went out to see if she could volunteer at the Daycare center in our apartment building only to get shoot down. They told her that she would have to be 18 to volunteer. I knew her heart was crushed when she came home she left to be by herself for a while. When she came back home she decided that she was going to go back out and try the other daycare that is just up the hill from our apartment.

I truly felt for when she left. She had already been turned down and I know the nerves had to be at an all time high, but this time it was a success. She talked with the lady that runs the daycare and she told Natalie to come home and fill out the application and discuss with her parents how many hours she was allowed to volunteer. She was so excited when she called as she was walking home. I am very proud of her. It took a lot of courage to continue after being turned down.

Tomorrow we will go together to turn in her application and I will officially be letting the change from a little girl to young lady take hold. The time just flies by when you are enjoying the journey that you are on and I have loved all the moments of being a mother so far and cannot wait to experience many more.


  1. Wow! I am excited for her! You have such a great kid. I can't wait to hear about her time at the daycare. Good job Nat!

  2. She is doing just great so far. We miss you and I will keep you posted.
